Monday, September 1, 2008

Big Girl Job Week One

I believe most of you know that I started my first real job this week.  First of all, I am working non-profit... I know, I know... who would have figured that Meredith Rogers would work non-profit.  Crazy.  I am working for drum roll for the full name... Guidestone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.  The company overall offers a wide range of financial products including insurance, retirement and personal investment.  So if you are an employee of any branch of the SBC you could probably call me in a couple of months with a question about your account and I should be able to answer it.

So my daily schedule is as follows: Wake up between 5:15 and 5:30, get ready and leave house by 6:30. Work work work (train train train). Break and an hour lunch stuck in there somewhere and leave at 5:15.  Arrive home around 6:30 (moving out cannot come soon enough). In bed asleep by 9:30.  I feel (temporarily) like I am a 50 year old stuck in a 22 year olds birthday.  I need to move out so that I do stuff instead of coming home, eating then going to bed.

Cool perks about the company: Monday morning chapel 8-8:30.  Free frozen yogurt machine.  Employee base made up of probably almost 50% Baylor grads (sic em).  Cool fellow new employee.  Encouragement to pray throughout the day.

On a completely different note conventions are happening, debates are arriving and the election is in the very near future.  Now I know you all will roll your eyes (those of you with differing opinions)... I am your "typical" conservative.  White, upper/middle class, Baptist, private school going girl.  Now to add to the list I work at a SBC company and attend southern baptist churches.  I encourage everyone first of all to vote.  Not voting in my opinion is voting for the party whose ideals you don't support.  I attended a baptist church this weekend and the pastor brought up the topic of the recent announcement of the republican vp candidate.  He started talking about how Sarah Palin is a woman of character, purpose and ethical standard.  He spoke about how she recently knowingly had a child with down syndrome.  I think it is sad in our generation that people even question whether or not to have a child.  Now to people with no faith I can understand this.  To those who are people of faith: Christian, Catholic, Jew, Mormon... I don't see how abortion can even be a question that enters your mind.  The pastor reminded us that God's gift to humans is the gift of life.  Here on earth and after.  He then said... which I think is a convicting point that on the matter of choosing life or death you should always choose life.  Every human unborn or born has a purpose.  So if you are struggling with a choice of who to vote for and are uneducated on the effects of economic policies, social policies or international policies I encourage you to vote for life.  I will now step off my soap box but thank you for reading.

My fam has been veggin out this week.  continuing our process of moving.  Watching the hurricane step by step (my mom is kind of a weather nut).  That's all of an update I have right now.

You can bet your britches that I will be in bed at 9:30 this evening.  I miss you all a lot.

A quick shout out to a former employee of the working staff of PF Changs.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Congrats on your big girl job. I'm glad you work in such a nice environment! I miss you, Mer! Good luck with everything!

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