So basically I am moving into an apartment in less than a month. Since I am the second born I am also the second in line to receive any "hand-me-downs." I am now in the process of purchasing "necessities" for my apartment. I wanted to show y'all what I've got so far.
The first picture is an entertainment stand I bought from Wally World. It is a line called canopy... pretty cute stuff for Wal Mart. The second picture is a table I bought at rooms to go. The leaves on the end pull out and then slide under so the table can either be a square or rectangle. The next picture is a couch I bought from Rooms to Go as well. Thank you Cindy Crawford for your beautiful design. My couch will actually be brown but the same style. Following the couch is the coffee table I found at Canton. It kind of has that distressed cottage look. I might be repainting the legs... it just depends on a few other factors. The next pic is my most recent purchase. My mom found them online and we thought they were adorable. Each is a separate print that is framed. There are six different colors in the set. The last picture is another cool thing I found. My sister-in-law and I went shopping the other day and we made a stop by Anthropologie (I really wish the anthro decorators/purchasers would just decorate my apt for free... I guess that is asking too much.) So we were looking at seat cushions that i could put on my table when we ran across these beauties. They had seat cushions in the same fabric but I figured I could change out place mats cheaper than cushions.
So those are basically all of my purchases to date. My last piece of furniture I am hunting down is an occasional chair... you know incase I have more than two people over at one time. If you know a place to buy a cute but super cheap chair... let me know!!!
That's all for now!